Pedals in Prescott

We meet at Grandview Park Church to work on bicycles. Any youth that are interested in being involved are invited to join us.

There are no bicycle shops or stores anywhere close to our neighborhood.

Pedals in Prescott will:

-Provide bicycle repair and restoration for area kids.

-Give youth the opportunity to develop mechanical and organizational skills, as well as teamwork and leadership.

-Organize bicycle rides and develop safe areas for youth to ride.

Friday, December 10, 2010

OK, Pedals in Prescott Kick Off is January 12th!

Our first bicycle club meeting will be January 12th at 2:00 at Grandview Park Church (Wilson Blvd. and 17th Street).  We will see who shows up and discuss our plans and brainstorm what the youth want to make of this.

I already have about a dozen bikes donated that we can fix up.  We are excited to get some youth activities going in our neighborhood.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

We will start in January

I'm still working on details of getting our bike club up and going.  Randy (Grandview Park's youth pastor) and I will be meeting to figure out how best to use the space at the church and how best to work together to reach the youth.  I have a number of bikes that have been donated, but need to get my truck running.  Stay tuned....

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Coming soon..

I am getting a lot of the groundwork done on this.  The space we are looking at using is at Grandview Park Church.  The plan has to be approved by the church leadership.  They meet on Nov 20.  I'll let you know when we will start.

If you have any bikes that you could donate, let me know.
